What is MIP?

Background of the Foundation of MIP

Issues of Modern Society

Issues of Modern Society

Wishes of Athletes and Cultural Figures

I want to make use of my “experience” that I have built up.
I want to share the excitement that I felt in my career with the society.
I want to train people who will be able to compete on a worldwide-level.
I want to foster the sensitivity of children.
Wishes of Athletes and Cultural Figures

Problems Facing Athletes

Problems Facing Athletes

Our Mission

MIP Spirits

MIP Sports Project is an NPO group established by a group of top athletes and cultural figures with the aim of improving the sports culture by contributing in nourishment of well-balanced human being with “Moral, Intelligence and Physical.”

What is “Moral” to us?

To cultivate our moral senses by choosing our own direction to harmonize with human society and environment

What is “Intelligence” to us?

To experience various cultures to accumulate knowledge and wisdom from them to heighten the intelligence to cultivate our creativity

What is “Physical” to us?

To keep a good balance of body and spirit by building a healthy body

Knowledge Base and Activity Program

Knowledge Base and Activity Program
